Siren Song
By Savita Joshi
The ocean has always been magical to me. A huge living organism that breathes in, and out, with the tides.
Sometimes she is harsh -
like when the waves beat you down
and scrape you along the sand.
But there is a gentless too -
like when the white foamy blanket, Creeps up to your toes, and kisses them.
The ocean is a place where I feel strong, and connected to a lineage of those who live and love with the sea.
To me,
the ocean is the only church I’ll ever need. Stepping into her breaking waves -
is like stepping into a cathedral,
older than time.
Feeling her currents press against me - is like meeting the creator of this world, for she did help shape it’s beginning.
The ocean never lets me down.
Time and time again she welcomes me - holds me close,
sings me a song,
and lets me go.
But her touch never leaves my body, and I find myself pulled back to her - over and over again.
Illustration by Bri Fischella